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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Saturday Celebrations

Today was a day of celebrations, one to celebrate a birth and one to celebrate a rebirth.

Two years ago, my best friend Hilton woke me up in the middle of the night with a phone call, "I'm having the baby."

I jumped out of bed, grabbed some snacks and extras clothes, threw them in a bag, and headed to Huntsville Hospital. As I walked into the maternity area, Hilton looked at her husband Justin and said, "Oh, look. She packed a bag." Apparently the expectant couple was not prepared and showed up with nothing but suckers, a sports bra, and a hairbrush.

Two years later, my nephew Tyler celebrated his 2nd birthday and said my name for the first time. It sounded something like, "Ha-eee." I can remember each moment my nieces Hannah and Allie first said my name, and now I will forever remember the first time Tyler uttered it.

The second celebration was an anniversary. Today, four months ago, my photographer Gary Cosby and I covered a super outbreak of tornadoes, including an EF5. We worked separately and both managed to live through the seven twisters without sustaining injury. By the time the EF5 struck just south of me, I was seeking shelter at Hilton's house and hiding in the bathroom with her family as hail battered the house and vehicles and winds bent pine trees parallel to the ground.

Cosby was on U.S. 31 in Tanner shooting the massive monster as it feasted on Limestone County, gobbling up anything in its path. He barely split the scene before being hit.

In the aftermath, we worked together to tell stories of tragedy and triumph. We hitched a ride with volunteer firefighters as they delivered food and water in East Limestone, and it was then we met Chris Preston. The tornado hit Chris' house, his son's house, his mom's house, his business and his church. Many from a nearby subdivision sought shelter in his basement after Chris and his sons went to get them.

Chris invited the community to supper for the four-month anniversary. We sat at tables in the yard, eating barbecue and drinking lemonade and Sun-Drop as a summer breeze blew. In the distance, a scarred land was visible, but so were signs of tenacity. Trees stripped of bark had clumps of leaves growing. Roofs covered with blue tarps were next to frames for new houses.

And a family that has twice survived and EF5 - 1974 and April 27 - gathered with friends and family to offer thanks to God for sparing the lives of those present and for instilling that desire to live on.

Chris addressed the crowd before prayer was offered for the food. Tears threatened as he thanked those who helped rebuild, sweep glass from the yard, report the story, and hand out water.

"We prayed together. We worked together. We brought this community together," Chris said. "We've gone from saying a prayer while hiding in a dug out basement with 200 mph winds to gathering here today."

A day of rebirth.

A day of  celebration.

A good day to be "Lovin' it in Limestone."


  1. Got a "Lovin' your blog!" from Trish. Thanks!

  2. We will be better prepared for this next one!!

  3. Better prepared for the next baby or the next EF5????
